SY: Positive credit register stops sole traders from accessing credit – immediate action needed
Suomen Yrittäjät, the Finnish SME association, has received a large number of messages about sole traders’ problems caused by the…
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Suomen Yrittäjät, the Finnish SME association, has received a large number of messages about sole traders’ problems caused by the…
Migrant-owned business owners play an increasingly larger role in job creation. The share of migrant business owners in all businesses…
For the second time, Suomen Yrittäjät, the Finnish SME association, is measuring Finnish regions’ success in promoting enterprise. With the…
The handicrafts shop Taitajapuoti Terttu charges a €5 entry fee. Customers have also paid the “just-looking” fee in the online…
The coffee-shop owner Sari Kutvonen has offered opportunities to immigrants. For many tourists, the Pullaposki café in the centre of…
Finnvera has received many incomplete applications.
More men than women intend to start their own businesses. The differences between the sexes are significant. These are the…
Last year, Kiekkokingi Oy had a turnover of almost €700,000. The company has just opened Finland’s first disc golf simulator…
In August, Finnish companies took out loans worth just one billion euros. Bank of Finland statistics show that the level…
Finnvera can issue the loan for hiring staff; single-person business owners are also eligible. Finnvera says the availability of credit…