YRITTÄJÄ, tule mukaan omiesi pariin! Liity Yrittäjiin.
Entrepreneurship in Finland
There are 455,265 companies in Finland (Statistics Finland, Suomen Yritysrekisteri 2023), excluding agriculture, forestry and fishing. They employ 1.46 million people and pay taxes which are used to fund services everyone uses. Ninety-five per cent of companies employ less than 10 people.
SMEs generate more than half (54.1%) of the 541 billion euro in total turnover for companies in Finland, and their share of the GDP is approximately 40%.
- Companies with fewer than 10 employees are micro enterprises.
- Companies with fewer than 50 employees are small enterprises.
- Companies with between 50–249 employees are medium-sized enterprises.
- SME = an enterprise with under 250 employees.
- Companies which employ at least 250 people are large enterprises.
Of all companies, 95,7 % or 435 576, are smaller than 10 people. There are 15,899 (3,5%) small enterprises, 3,108 (0.7%) medium enterprises and 682 large enterprises (0.1%).
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