
“Do Not Eat the Whole Elephant”: How Mentorship Can Make a Difference

Studies have shown that men tend to have higher self-confidence than women and that this affects their entrepreneurial intentions. Women tend to exhibit a lack of self-confidence in their own abilities as entrepreneurs compared to men.

Once in an established business, women relate to entrepreneurship less than men and do not feel comfortable calling themselves entrepreneurs. For some women, entrepreneurial self-confidence grew over their time in business. For other women, it appears to continue to act as a constraint – affecting their ability to access finance and curtailing their growth aspirations.

To overcome the challenges women face in business, having a supportive community is crucial. This is especially true for immigrant female entrepreneurs, who may face additional hurdles in accessing networks and opportunities. A supportive mentor can help them navigate these obstacles and build the confidence they need to succeed.

She’s Got This! Mentorship Programme Designed Specifically for Immigrant Women Entrepreneurs in Finland

The She’s Got This mentorship programme is designed specifically for immigrant women who want to grow their businesses in Finland. This national programme, created by the Suomen Yrittäjät or the Federation of Finnish Enterprises, matches these women with experienced mentors who can guide them through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. The mentors offer practical advice and emotional support, helping mentees feel more confident in their abilities and business decisions.

With entrepreneurs from all over the world calling Finland home, the program helps to create a sense of community among women who share a common drive for success. By providing this support, the Federation of Finnish Enterprises aims to help immigrant women build stronger businesses and find their place in the Finnish economy.

The Challenges of an Immigrant Female Entrepreneur in Finland

Natalia Osipova, an immigrant female entrepreneur from Russia, shared the challenges she faced upon moving to Finland and starting her interior design business called Tabiti Oy. She highlighted the difficulty in understanding the nuances of the Finnish business environment and how to connect with potential clients. “It was really difficult for me to understand,” she shared, reflecting on the initial obstacles she faced in building connections.

Natalia also expressed her struggles with self-confidence, particularly around marketing and client acquisition. Despite having a solid business plan, she felt unsure about her direction. “I always doubt myself,” she admitted. However, Timo, her mentor, provided reassurance by validating her strategy and telling her, “No, but it’s great. It doesn’t need any changes.”

Natalia Osipova

The language barrier added another layer to the challenges Natalia faced in building a network and reaching Finnish customers. Timo recognized this, noting, “If Natalia’s target customers are a little bit older, it really helps a lot if she can contact and discuss with them in Finnish.” He emphasized the importance of networking to overcome this barrier, connecting Natalia with organizations and people who could support her business.

Additionally, Natalia felt the impact of the economic downturn, which made it hard to find clients interested in her interior design services. “It’s really difficult now because of the economic situation in Finland,” she said, explaining that people might not prioritize her services as interior design services are not a necessity for consumers. Timo agreed, however, he also pointed out that starting a business often takes “about two to four years” before you can reap the benefits and requires a lot of effort in marketing and networking.

A Mentor’s Role in Growing A Business

Timo Ronkainen, a retired banking professional with almost 40 years of experience, brought a wealth of knowledge and passion to the mentorship programme. Despite having worked in a different industry, he was eager to use his skills to help small businesses thrive, particularly through mentorship. “I like to have something to do every day and every week,” Timo said, emphasizing his commitment to providing valuable guidance to entrepreneurs. He believes in the power of mentorship, saying, “It is quite important that I can support these small companies or entrepreneurs.”

Natalia and Timo

Timo understood that while he might not be an expert in interior design, the challenges that small businesses face are often similar. He recognized that most companies face challenges like financing, marketing, and networking, regardless of the industry. “70 to 80 percent of companies face similar challenges,” Timo explained, acknowledging that his expertise in banking could still be incredibly relevant to Natalia’s business.

He approached Natalia’s challenges by breaking them down into manageable tasks. “You can’t eat the whole elephant,” Timo remarked, stressing that success requires focusing on one issue at a time. This approach helped Natalia see a path forward through the challenges she faced, such as building a network and finding clients. His support and belief in her business plan boosted her confidence and provided her with a sense of direction. “It was very important for me,” Natalia said, referring to Timo’s mentorship and guidance that reassured her she was on the right path.

Building Confidence and Networks Through Mentorship

Through the mentorship programme, Natalia found that the biggest boost came from Timo’s encouragement and his belief in her business plan. “After my communication with Timo, I understood that I do a lot of things and I do them correctly,” Natalia said, highlighting the reassurance that she needed. Timo’s feedback on her business plan reinforced that her efforts were on the right track and gave her the confidence to stop doubting herself. “I started to feel more confident after that,” she shared, emphasizing how important Timo’s validation was to her.

In addition to boosting her confidence, Timo helped Natalia build a network by introducing her to valuable organizations and people. He connected her with associations like MYRY, an association for solo and micro entrepreneurs in Finland. Natalia claimed organizations like this were crucial in helping her meet the right people and understand the Finnish business landscape.

Timo knew the importance of networking for entrepreneurs like Natalia. “My target is, of course, that I try to open doors,” he explained, noting how his own network could help Natalia find new opportunities. By meeting regularly and communicating frequently via email, Timo provided Natalia with the consistent support she needed. He emphasized how essential it was to tackle specific challenges, helping her find solutions to overcome obstacles in her business. As Timo put it, “It’s really important to have clear objectives.”

With Timo’s mentorship, Natalia learned that she could rely on her strengths and reach out to others for support. Networking became an essential part of her growth, and she saw the benefits of building connections within the industry. Overall, the mentorship programme helped Natalia understand that she wasn’t alone in her journey, and with Timo’s guidance, she began to see a clearer path forward.

Empowerment Through Support: The Impact of a Mentorship Programme to Female Entrepreneurs

The impact of a mentorship program on female entrepreneurs, especially those who are immigrants, cannot be overstated. Through programs like She’s Got This, female entrepreneurs like Natalia receive guidance and encouragement that give them the confidence to pursue their entrepreneurial goals. With Timo’s encouragement, Natalia found clarity and confidence in her business, understanding that she was not alone in facing challenges. “It’s not me alone,” she said, acknowledging that her struggles were shared by many entrepreneurs and were not unique to her. This realization empowered her to pursue her business goals with renewed determination.

The mentorship programme shows how the right guidance can open doors and help women tackle obstacles one step at a time. Timo emphasized the importance of building networks, which enabled Natalia to find the right people who could support her business journey. By sharing his experience and offering practical advice, he showed how mentorship can empower women to navigate challenges and grow their businesses with confidence. For female entrepreneurs, mentorship programmes such as this, provides not just a roadmap for business success but also the assurance that they have a community behind them, ready to support them every step of the way.

Written by Laila Fe Balinggan