
Expanding Networks in Finland as an International Female Entrepreneur Through Mentorship

Finland is known for being one of the first countries in the world to give women their political rights, and the chance to set up their own company and engage in independent businesses. In 2021, the GEM report (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) states that Finland has the 16th best entrepreneurship conditions for women compared to comparison countries. 

About 33% of entrepreneurs in Finland are women, and out of these, 5% are immigrants or have international backgrounds. Despite this progressive environment, female entrepreneurs, particularly those from international backgrounds, still face significant challenges in establishing and growing their businesses. 

To address this gap, Suomen Yrittäjät introduced the She’s Got This! mentorship programme, dedicated to supporting immigrant women entrepreneurs through mentoring, networking, and strategic business guidance, thereby enhancing their ability to succeed in Finland’s business landscape.

Experiences of an International Female Entrepreneur in Finland

Laila Fe Balinggan, originally from the Philippines, moved to Finland in 2021 as a student and decided to become a full-time entrepreneur in 2023 following her graduation. With a background in digital marketing and having worked in education across various countries, her move was driven by an opportunity to further her education in a country renowned for its educational standards. “Finland’s reputation for having an excellent education system greatly influenced my decision to move here,” Laila explained, reflecting on her motivations which were ignited during her bachelor’s studies.

“Moving from the Philippines to Finland was a giant leap for me, not just in terms of geography but also in shifting my career path,” Laila shares. After arriving in Finland for her master’s studies, Laila transitioned from education to becoming a B2B digital marketer in 2023. She now assists small and mid-sized businesses in boosting their online presence through well-strategized digital marketing efforts. “I genuinely care about how companies present themselves online because, in today’s world, that’s often the first point of contact with customers,” she explains.

Laila Fe Balinggan

Challenges in Networking as a Young, International, Female Entrepreneur in Finland

As Laila transitioned from academia to entrepreneurship, she found building a professional network in Finland daunting. “As a student, your world revolves around academics and peers who aren’t necessarily connected to the industry you’re interested in. It was tough, especially because I was moving from education to digital marketing, and I knew virtually no one in my new field,” Laila reflects. Switching her focus to online marketing meant starting from scratch, which was doubly challenging in a new country.

The difficulty was compounded by her status as an international in Finland, where she found it significantly harder to connect with local entrepreneurs. “Most of my initial contacts were other internationals or people from the academe, which didn’t directly help with my entrepreneurial goals,” she noted. Furthermore, there is a scarcity of targeted events for internationals aspiring to become entrepreneurs in her local city, Vaasa, which added another layer of complexity.

“The biggest hurdles were my transition from student to professional life, my unfamiliarity with the local business scene, and the noticeable lack of networking events aimed at internationals like me who are interested in Entrepreneurship in Vaasa,” she notes. 

Understanding Finnish Business Culture Through Mentorship

When Laila joined the She’s Got This! mentorship programme, her primary goal was clear: expand her professional network within the local Finnish business community. Through the programme, she met Bengt Leander, a mentor and business enthusiast, who brings extensive experience from guiding both professionals and entrepreneurs within the Finnish business community. 

“I’m dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their goals by fostering a positive business culture and enhancing their networking skills,” Bengt describes his mentorship philosophy. His involvement in Suomen Yrityskummit ry and Suomen Yrittäjät has given him a broad view of the business landscape, from large corporations to small ventures.

Bengt’s mentorship with Laila focused on expanding her network effectively within Finland, and his mentorship approach was methodical and tailored. “First, I aimed to understand Laila’s specific needs, identifying her target group and business goals to tailor introductions and suggest relevant networking opportunities,” Bengt explains. 

Bengt Leander

By utilizing his network, he facilitated introductions that aligned with Laila’s field and interests, and supported her in engaging with industry events and professional groups. “Bengt pointed me towards whom I should talk to and advised me on strategic networking, which was incredibly helpful in navigating a new professional landscape,” Laila shared. 

A specific instance where Bengt’s advice paid off was during the Energy Week in Vaasa. “Bengt suggested I create a brochure detailing my services. I used it while networking during the event, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. It definitely helped in making a lasting impression,” Laila recalls proudly.

Bengt also assisted Laila in understanding the cultural nuances of networking in Finland. “He helped me understand how to approach and communicate with Finnish business owners, which is quite different from what I was used to,” she said. 

They attended various business events together which provided Laila with insights into Finnish business culture in a more relaxed setting. “Bengt and I attended a business cruise, which was an eye-opener in terms of understanding relaxed business interactions in Finland,” says Laila. She emphasized that in Finland, direct yet respectful communication is valued, and networking often involves building mutual trust rather than aggressive selling.

The Impact of Mentorship

Bengt noticed improvements in Laila’s networking approach: “Laila has grown more confident and strategic. She now initiates conversations with ease and follows up effectively, reinforcing her connections and value proposition.” 

Bengt has guided Laila through the nuances of Finnish professional culture, emphasizing direct communication, the importance of building trust, and navigating social activities within networking contexts.

Laila and Bengt

One of Bengt’s proud moments came during the Energy Week in Vaasa, where Laila successfully engaged with industry professionals using targeted materials he had advised her to prepare. “This event was a testament to how well Laila adapted and applied the strategies we discussed,” he reflects.

Looking ahead, Laila is committed to expanding her network in Finland. “I plan to attend more in-person events across Finland and continue building relationships both online and offline,” she asserts. The systems and strategies put in place with Bengt’s help, like following up on LinkedIn and engaging with contacts on social media, are strategies she intends to keep refining.

Advice for Other Mentors

Bengt offers advice to other mentors aiming to support mentees in a new country: “Understand your mentee’s goals, leverage your network for warm introductions, and guide them beyond typical events to online and community-based networking opportunities.” He stresses the importance of relationship-building over mere contact accumulation, advocating for active listening and providing value in every interaction.

Laila’s journey vividly shows the challenges and opportunities faced by international female entrepreneurs in Finland. Through his mentorship, Bengt has not only helped Laila navigate the challenges of entering a new business culture but also instilled in her the skills necessary for sustained professional growth and networking success in Finland.

The She’s Got This mentorship programme is more than just a platform for networking—it’s a springboard for integration and success in Finland’s business landscape. For young, immigrant, and female entrepreneurs like Laila, mentorship is an opportunity to not just survive but thrive and feel truly connected to their new business environment. 

Through the mentorship program, she has not only gained valuable business contacts but also essential cultural insights that have equipped her to thrive in her adopted country. This shows that with the right support and resources, overcoming the initial hurdles is not just possible, but can also be a rewarding journey.

This article is written by Laila Fe Balinggan