
“Test and Fail Early”: Learning the Finnish Market through Mentorship

Studies reveal that 70% of small businesses that receive mentorship survive the past five years—twice as many as those that don’t. The right guidance can make all the difference in helping entrepreneurs overcome challenges, build valuable networks, and stay focused on their goals.

In Finland, mentorship is increasingly recognized as a key factor in business growth and sustainability. With a strong tradition of cooperation and community, many Finnish organizations understand the value of connecting experienced professionals with budding entrepreneurs. These mentorship relationships not only provide strategic advice but also help build the confidence and networks that are critical for business success.

Finnish entrepreneurs can find mentors through various channels, such as professional organizations, industry groups, and government programs. The Suomen Yrittäjät, for instance, plays a significant role in connecting mentors and mentees through its various programs. The She’s Got This mentorship programme initiative specifically focuses on empowering immigrant women entrepreneurs by providing them with the support and mentorship they need to thrive in the country.

Moreover, business incubators, accelerators, and innovation hubs across Finland often have mentorship programs designed to support early-stage startups. Programs like NewCo Helsinki and the Finnish Business Mentors Network or Yrityskummit provide structured guidance to entrepreneurs across a range of industries.

For many entrepreneurs, these mentorships offer more than just business advice. They open doors to new opportunities, build lasting relationships, and offer a valuable outside perspective that can help refine strategies and goals. As evidenced by Pamela and Jari’s experience, mentorship in Finland is a powerful tool for navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship and achieving long-term business success.

Entrepreneurial Experiences of an Immigrant Woman Entrepreneur in Finland

Pamela Mauricio, originally from Peru, developed a deep appreciation for coffee and dreamed of starting her own business. When she moved to Finland, her vision was clear, but she quickly realized that finding a job in a new country wasn’t going to be easy. “I challenged myself to create my own job and start my coffee roastery business,” Pamela recalls. Her idea to start a coffee business naturally aligned with the Finnish love for coffee, allowing her to connect with her Peruvian roots while providing high-quality, sustainable coffee to Finnish customers.

Pamela Mauricio

Despite her enthusiasm, Pamela’s path was far from easy. She discovered the challenges of navigating a new market, especially in understanding the preferences of Finnish consumers and figuring out how to differentiate herself in a crowded space. She also faced the challenges of establishing her brand in a new market and being impacted by global events like the COVID-19 pandemic and two wars, which changed the direction of her business.

In the face of these challenges, Pamela maintained her focus on supporting Peruvian coffee farmers and empowering women through her business. She was determined to bring sustainable coffee to Finland and make a positive impact on both ends of the supply chain. “We have social projects behind our business. This helps farmers and the community,” she explains. Through this, she hopes to empower women coffee farmers and encourage them to lead their farms independently.

With Jari’s guidance, Pamela began refining her marketing strategy and brand positioning. He advised her to focus on differentiating herself in a market where competition is high. This meant embracing her unique story as a female, immigrant entrepreneur and using social media to share her journey and what makes her coffee special.

Jari also helped Pamela gain confidence in navigating the business landscape in Finland. He emphasized the importance of understanding her target audience and focusing on her strengths to stand out in the market. The mentorship provided Pamela with the support she needed to navigate the Finnish business landscape, refine her strategies, and continue working towards her vision of a thriving coffee business that supports her community back home.

Jari Rantala

A Mentor’s Approach to Guiding Female Immigrant Entrepreneurs

Jari Rantala brings to mentorship a wealth of experience in ICT and business development. With over two decades of experience, he’s worked in customer experience, business development, and customer journey development. His deep knowledge of business processes has allowed him to mix and match growth hacking and lean startup methods for better results. “I’ve learned a lot about making businesses grow and have seen what works,” he explains.

His motivation for joining the She’s Got This mentorship programme was rooted in a desire to give back and learn. Jari found value in the programme’s focus on immigrant women entrepreneurs, recognizing that they bring unique perspectives and challenges. He appreciated the opportunity to mentor Pamela, as it offered a new challenge and the chance to gain insight not only into how different cultures approach business, but also how female entrepreneurs practice business. “I like to learn about that because I have two daughters myself,” Jari shares, hoping to pass on what he learns to help them as they grow older.

Jari’s approach to mentorship is straightforward and focused on practical outcomes. He emphasizes understanding customer needs, differentiating the product or service, and adapting strategies to fit the Finnish market. “It all starts with knowing who your customer is and what problem you are solving for them,” Jari advises. For Pamela, he encouraged her to narrow down her target audience and create a clear value proposition that would resonate with potential customers.

He also highlighted the importance of differentiating her product in a crowded market. “You need to focus on what makes you stand out and why people should care about your product over others,” he stresses. For Jari, mentorship isn’t just about giving advice, but also about equipping entrepreneurs with the mindset and tools they need to understand their market and adapt accordingly. He takes a collaborative approach, sharing his knowledge but also encouraging mentees to find their path. “I hope my mentees can pick the advice that works best for their business,” he says, emphasizing that not all advice will fit every situation.

Pamela and Jari

Navigating Challenges and Finding Solutions in the Finnish Market

A crucial aspect of Jari’s mentorship was highlighting the importance of early product testing and understanding customer needs at an early stage. He encouraged Pamela to adopt a lean startup approach, saying, “Find the easiest and cheapest way to find out if the problem you are working with is worth solving.” This helped Pamela become more strategic in testing new blends and marketing ideas.

In terms of marketing in the Finnish market, he also advised Pamela to embrace her unique story as an immigrant woman entrepreneur to stand out in the market. Jari suggested she share more about herself and her journey on social media. “I encouraged her to make more videos and bring forward her personality, which is cheerful and positive,” Jari said. Pamela took this advice to heart and began sharing more behind-the-scenes moments and personal insights with her followers. As she gained confidence, she noticed an increase in engagement, which motivated her to post more frequently.

Finally, Jari also supported Pamela in creating a structured sales process to help her approach potential clients more effectively. He suggested developing sales materials and templates to streamline communication. Pamela explains, “He recommended preparing guidelines for the sales process and a sales pitch, so everything would be ready for me.” This structure gave her the confidence to reach out to potential clients and refine her pitch based on their responses.

Practical Advice for Marketing Your Business in Finland

Pamela and Jari’s mentorship journey revealed several key lessons for immigrant entrepreneurs navigating the Finnish market. One standout insight was the importance of embracing authenticity. “Just show it as it is,” Jari advised Pamela, encouraging her to be herself and share her unique story as a female, immigrant entrepreneur. By being open and authentic, Pamela was able to connect with her audience on a deeper level and differentiate her brand.

Believing in your vision is another crucial lesson from their experience. Despite the challenges she faced in a new country and industry, Pamela stayed focused on her dream of building a coffee business that not only thrived but also supported Peruvian coffee farmers and empowered women. “Believe in your vision,” Jari encouraged, emphasizing the importance of staying true to your goals even when others might not immediately see the potential.

Patience was another key takeaway, particularly when it came to understanding the sales cycle. Jari highlighted that building a customer base and refining sales processes takes time, particularly in the B2B space. “The sales process takes time,” Pamela admitted, but the mentorship helped her stay motivated and continue following up with potential clients.

Mentorship can be especially valuable for immigrant entrepreneurs entering new markets, helping them navigate cultural differences and better understand consumer behavior. By working closely with someone familiar with the Finnish market, Pamela gained insights that helped her adapt her strategies to local preferences and needs.

For immigrant entrepreneurs in Finland, here are several practical pieces of advice that can be drawn from Pamela and Jari’s experience:

  • Test Early: Before fully committing to a product or strategy, test your ideas to see if there’s genuine interest from customers. As Jari said, “Find the easiest and cheapest way to find out if the problem you are working with is worth solving.”
  • Fail Early: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Each failure provides valuable lessons that can guide you toward better solutions.
  • Seek Mentorship: Connect with experienced professionals who can offer guidance, share insights, and provide a fresh perspective on your business challenges.
  • Adapt Strategies to your Target Customers: Understand who your target customers are and their pain points. Then tailor your marketing and sales strategies effectively.

Written by Laila Fe Balinggan