YRITTÄJÄ, tule mukaan omiesi pariin! Liity Yrittäjiin.
Employer’s other obligations
Legislation which must be displayed by law
The law obligates you as an employer to keep several pieces of employment legislation on display in the workplace. The purpose is to ensure that employees can easily consult the essential employment legislation in one place if they wish to.
Direct your employees to Finlex.fi, the legislation website maintained by the Ministry of Jus-tice. If you wish, you can also order prints or digital versions of legislation for display. These services come at a charge.
Legislation to be displayed in the workplace:
- Workers’ Compensation Act (459/2015)
- Young Workers’ Act (998/1993)
- Decision of the Ministry of Labour on Work Suitable for Young People (1431/1993)
- Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health on a Sample Register of Work Dangerous for Young Employees (302/2007)
- Government Decree on Work Particularly Harmful and Dangerous for Young Employ-ees (475/2006)
- Act on Occupational Safety and Health Enforcement and Cooperation on Occupa-tional Safety and Health at Workplaces (44/2006)
- Act on the Protection of Privacy in Working Life (2004/759)
- Occupational Health Care Act (1383/2001)
- Occupational Safety and Health Act (2002/738)
- Annual Holidays Act (162/2005)
- Act on Cooperation within Undertakings (334/2007)
- Act on Equality between Women and Men (609/1986)
- Non-discrimination Act (1325/2014)
- Employment Contracts Act (55/2001)
- Working Hours Act (605/1996)
- Act on the Continuation of Contractual and Public-Service Employment Relationships of People Fulfilling Their National Defence Obligation (305/2009)
Work subject to permit and other situations requiring special permission
Some jobs require a permit, and you must notify the occupational safety and health (OSH) authorities if you do this type of work. The OSH authorities monitor occupational safety and health in practice
To do certain types of work, an authorization or certificate of competency from an OSH authority is required. Such work includes asbestos demolition, blasting work and underwater construction.
If you plan to have your employees do night or shift work, without grounds for it in the law or collective bargaining agreement, apply to an OSH authority for special permission.
If you plan to have your employees do night or shift work, check the terms in the Working Hours Act and the collective bargaining agreement that apply to your sector. If necessary, apply to an OSH authority for special permission.
You will also need special permission if your company wants an exemption from maintaining a shift roster or wants to hire a young person for certain work.
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