YRITTÄJÄ, tule mukaan omiesi pariin! Liity Yrittäjiin.

From local to global – learn how to scale with Amazon
- Suomen Yrittäjät
Are you curious to learn how to scale and expand your business with Amazon?
We would like to invite you for an inspirational morning webinar where you get to meet Amazon account managers and learn from other companies who succeeded with their Amazon-business.

- 9:30 Welcome word by Yrittäjät
- 9:35 Amazon – from product to international business
- 9:45 Seller testimonial – How Amazon enabled international expansion
- 10:00 Q&A
- 10:15 Webinar ends
The webinar is meant for all companies and entrepreneurs with products (items) to sell. The webinar is free of charge and open to anyone who is interested. The webinar is held in English.