Suomen Yrittäjät
Member benefits
Jurinet Campaign, Legal and counselling services

Jurinet: Campaign benefit

Validity of benefit:

Have you been presented with any sustainability or responsibility information requirements? Doing all preparations alone for sustainability requirements requires a lot of time and effort. We offer sustainability reporting as a seasonal benefit with –50 % off to prepare your business for sustainability requirements. Book a free introductory meeting!

Comprehensive reporting on supply chain sustainability and emissions will become mandatory for large companies, starting as early as next year. Large companies may require small and medium-sized enterprises to report on their sustainability and calculate their emissions, and failure to comply to these requirements could result in termination of contracts. We offer a free introductory meeting on your company’s sustainability and responsibility themes.

We provide an automatic emissions calculation based on accounting data that can be used immediately to your benefit. Automated emission calculation is an easy way to start preparing for reporting under the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.

In a sustainability report, we look at impacts that your business has on society and environment, and identify impacts, risks and opportunities that these aspects present for business. Sustainability reporting helps to predict these risks and opportunities and ensures that sustainability and responsibility demands set by customers and suppliers don’t become an obstacle for doing business with them.

Our lawyers and consultants specialized in corporate responsibility and human rights will familiarize your company with the EU reporting obligations that apply to your business.


As a member of Suomen Yrittäjät you are entitled to many services and benefits!