YRITTÄJÄ, tule mukaan omiesi pariin! Liity Yrittäjiin.

Member benefits
Secured mobile subscriptions, internet connections, and simple IT services – special prices for the members of Yrittäjät!
Members will have secured mobile subscriptions and simple IT services at special prices, membership benefits up to 800 euros per year. Read more about the benefits on Elisa's member page and enhance your business!
Elisa’s membership benefit for mobile subscriptions include the Elisa Mobiiliturva service. Elisa Mobiiliturva Yrityksille service is a basic security service included with the mobile connection that automatically identifies harmful websites and notifies the user when they try to access the site. We offer Elisa Yritysliittymä 5G+ 300M for 29.99 €/month (list price 40.51 €/month) or 5G+ 600M for 31.99 €/month (list price 45.51 €/month), a benefit will be 120-160 euros per year.
As a membership benefit, we offer secure internet connections for remote work or the office. Netti Lite Kuitu 150M/150M for small offices or remote work at 32.99 €/month (list price 54.99€) and Netti Plus and additional services for the office with a 30% discount, a benefit will be 260-800 euros per year.
Enhance business by simplifying IT. Get basic office applications like Word, Excel, and Powerpoint through the Microsoft 365 service. As a member benefit, Microsoft 365 Business Premium, Microsoft 365 E3 EEA, and Microsoft 365 E5 EEA are available at a 5% discount off the list price. Additionally, Yritysguru will assist you by phone with more complex IT issues. As a member benefit, the first 10 minutes of the Yritysguru service are free when you book an appointment through the form. The normal charge is 19.90 €/10 min, billed in 10-minute increments. The benefit is available once a year. The benefit will be 19.90-40 euros per year.
Book your appointment directly through this link.
Elisa offers for the members of Yrittäjät own customer service number for general inquiries at 010 262 9767. For fault issues, Elisa’s general Fault Service is available at 010 80 4400 (24/7).
You can also book an appointment with Elisa’s business sales representatives if desired.
You will have Elisa Viihde benefit for the new service by calling sales service at 0800 464646 or visiting Elisa stores and Elisa shops in K-Citymarket.
Our gurus provide guidance and help with all common IT issues. You can meet Omaguru face-to-face at selected Elisa stores.
At the Omaguru service point, you can easily find out, for example, how to transfer data from one phone to another. As a member benefit, you will get Omaguru’s help at a 20% discount.
As a member of Suomen Yrittäjät you are entitled to many services and benefits!