YRITTÄJÄ, tule mukaan omiesi pariin! Liity Yrittäjiin.

Applications for Closure Compensation open: four weeks to act
Closure Compensation is intended for businesses of all sizes.
Applications for Closure Compensation opened on Tuesday 22 March. Businesses have four weeks to apply for the Compensation, up until 20 April.
Closure Compensation is not restricted to businesses of a certain size.
Businesses whose premises were partially or fully closed, or where a public event was prohibited by a law or official order related to control of the pandemic, are eligible for the support. If, by contrast, an authority enforced a milder restriction or issued a recommendation, that is not a “closure” as intended by the Act. Events that could be organized with the use of Covid passports are not eligible for the Compensation. The days on which a business was actually closed during the support period entitle it to the Compensation.
Suomen Yrittäjät and the State Treasury held a free public information session about Closure Compensation on 14 March. You can watch a recording of the session, in Finnish, here.
For further information in English, see the State Treasury website.