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Membership fee invoice

The delivery method of the membership fee invoice is selected when you become a member. You can choose from an e-invoice, an e-mail invoice or a paper invoice. If you pay the membership fee online when you become a member, you will receive an email invoice in future.

The invoice will be sent in the language that has been marked as the language of your business. You can choose the service language: Finnish, Swedish or English. You can change the delivery method and the language of the invoice in the user information of the membership service, under business profile. The paper invoice surcharge of €6 will be added to membership fees of Suomen Yrittäjät if the invoices are sent out in paper format. If you are a retiree member, the paper invoice surcharge will not apply to you. You can read more about the paper invoice surcharge here.

Do you suspect that a membership fee invoice you have received is a scam? E-mail invoices are sent from the address noreply@ropo.com. You can see an example of the membership fee invoice sent by Suomen Yrittäjät in 2025 below.

Membership fee

The membership fee does not include value added tax. The price of the Yrittäjä Plus magazine includes value added tax. Suomen Yrittäjät transfers the magazine payments to Sypoint Oy. If you do not want to subscribe to the magazine, you can only pay the membership fee. This way, no magazine subscription will be recorded.

Membership fees 2025

What if the number of staff in my business has changed?

Check the membership fee table for the ongoing year to see the right amount of membership fee. When you pay your invoice, use the right membership fee together with the reference number on your invoice. This will ensure that we record the right amount of payment.

When will I receive my invoice?

The membership is continuous for 12 months. Your membership period can start in any month. All members are sent an invoice one month before a new membership period begins.

When will I receive my membership card?

You’ll find the Yrittäjät app in your app store, which will allow your membership card to go wherever you go.
Alternatively, you can also use your membership card via your browser and by logging in to Member Services. If you prefer to use the plastic member card, you can order your card here. Please notice you need to login to Member Services first.

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Where can I find more information?

If you have any questions about invoicing, you can contact us by e-mail at jasenpalvelu@yrittajat.fi.
If you have any questions about membership, you can contact your regional association.