YRITTÄJÄ, tule mukaan omiesi pariin! Liity Yrittäjiin.
Suomen Yrittäjät Responsibility Programme
Administration and economy
The main themes of the responsibility programme of Suomen Yrittäjät, the Finnish SME association, are
We take action on these themes through social advocacy, training and services for business owners and ensuring our association acts responsibly. A more detailed description of the kind of actions we take as part of these themes follows.

- We adopt clear policies on important environmental themes for business owners, such as
- publishing our climate programme, and
- advocacy to affect corporate responsibility regulation.

Training and services for business owners
- We provide training to improve business owners’ understanding of a broad range of responsibility issues.

Our association’s actions
- We strengthen understanding of our own environmental impacts:
- we calculate our carbon footprint, and
- we draw a road map to reduce our environmental impacts.

- We distil our top themes into the social themes that are crucial for business owners, such as:
- social security legislation
- immigration and integration.

Training and services for business owners
- We increase business owners’ broad understanding of diversity and inclusion, such as through the Yrittäjät Academy.
- We develop our training sessions to support business owners’ stamina and mental well-being.

Our association’s actions
- Our association has a clear shared value base and we conduct an association-wide strategy.
- We create a dedicated whistle-blowing channel in our association for reporting abuses.
Administration and economy

Training and services for business owners
- We offer counselling, training and practical tools to understand a changing operating environment and to support businesses’ sustainable growth.
- Read about our legal counselling services, competitive tendering counselling and ownership transfer services.

Our association’s actions
- We act in an exemplary fashion as a good employer and a healthy workplace and generate added value for society by acting nationally, regionally and locally.
- We ask our employees how significant they consider their work to be.