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International Info tarjoaa asettautumispalveluita
Lue Kajaaniin muuttaneen Luis Figueiredon kokemuksia palveluista.
Kajaanin kaupungin International Info tarjoa asettautumispalveluita, tietoa ja neuvoa kansainvälisten ammattilaisten sujuvaan arkeen – At home in Kainuu
Kainuuseen muutetaan muun muassa töiden, opintojen ja perhesyiden vuoksi. Muutto uuteen maahan edellyttää järjestelyjä ja tiedonhakua ennen muuttoa sekä uudelle asuinpaikkakunnalle asettauduttaessa.
Kajaanin kaupungin Kansainväliset palvelut kehittää uutta palvelua sujuvan arjen tueksi.
Lue lisää palvelusta täältä >>
Luis Figueiredo on jalkapallovalmennuksen ammattilainen. Hän valmentaa jalkapalloseura Kajaanin Hakassa. Luisista ja hänen kokemuksistaan voi lukea lisää alla:
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself
My name is Luis Figueiredo. I’m Portuguese and I moved to Kajaani at the end of January. I have a Master’s Degree in Sports Science – Collective Games – Specializations in Football and I’m a Professional Head Coach. I love to pass my free time with my son, my wife and my dog. I love to watch football, read, and drink coffee on the beach.
2. What kind of information or help did you get from the new settling-in service (International Info)?
This service (International Info) was fantastic when I arrived to Kajaani. They help me with all information that I need to live in Finland and what I need to do for the first time in the country. They give me a good welcome and I’m feeling home.
3. Tell us something everyone should know about Kainuu before moving here. What kind of plans do you have for the future in Kainuu?
For now, I only know the city (Kajaani) and I like it very much. It is small and the people are fantastic. Every people that I talk to before arriving, told me that the spring is fantastic in Finland. I want to see that. For me, the next step is to bring my Son and my wife to Kajaani.
The head coach life is unstable, and we could change the project quickly but I’m happy here, I’m feeling good, and maybe live here in the next 2/3 years (not depend only on me).
Lue lisää täältä >