YRITTÄJÄ, tule mukaan omiesi pariin! Liity Yrittäjiin.
Matters related to membership
In the member service of Suomen Yrittäjät you can conduct membership-related matters, such as updating your member information.
The service also contains a tremendous amount of tools information content useful to you and your company, including salary calculator, discount calculator and the ready-made form templates of the document bank. The contents are offered in Finnish and Swedish.
- View and update your personal information. You can view and change your information on the User Profile section (Käyttäjäprofiili). You can change your company’s information on the Company Profile section (Yritysprofiili).
- National and association-specific benefits. In the Membership Benefits section (Jäsenedut) you can browse the benefits offered to members by the partners of Suomen Yrittäjät. The membership benefits presented here are accessible to all holders of the mobile membership card with the exception of the fuel benefit at Neste service stations, which can be accessed with the magnetic stripe of the plastic card. Possible discount codes and other such information is only visible to logged in users on the member service. If information about the claiming of a benefit is available, it may be found on a grey background at the bottom of the particular membership benefit page.
- The Business Directory contains the information of those Suomen Yrittäjät member companies that have allowed their information to be published. You may change your company’s information on the company profile section accessed with the member service login details.
- The Information Bank of the member service offers useful information content and tools for you and your company.
In addition to the member service, the public website of Yrittäjät, yrittajat.fi, offers news, information, services, events and training for entrepreneurs all across Finland. Browse the benefits of membership in the section Services and Benefits.

Membership card
In order to use the member benefits, you need to have a valid membership card of Suomen Yrittäjät or the equivalent mobile card with your membership number.

Membership fee invoice
We will send you your membership card after your membership fee has been paid.
Membership banners
Show that you are a member of Suomen Yrittäjät by adding a banner to your company’s website or brochure.

Membership fee
By paying the membership fee you become a member for the next 12 months. All members are sent an invoice one month before their membership period begins.
The invoice’s delivery method is selected when you join. You may choose between e-invoice, email invoice or paper invoice. If the membership fee is paid as an online payment in conjunction with joining, the invoice will be sent in paper format in the future.
The invoice is delivered in the language that has been selected for the company. The available service languages are Finnish, Swedish and English. You may change the language or the delivery method of the invoice in the Company Profile section (Yritysprofiili) of the member service.